The New Israel Fund has let me know that its webcast – "Religion and State: Fundamentalism or Freedom?" can still be viewed, at your covenience, here . I participated in the panel discussion, along with Naomi Chazan, Uri Regev, and Jafar Farah. It’s a good introduction to the issues of religion and state in Israel.
Niot Watzman, in memoriam נאות ויצמן ז”ל ![]() |
English | עברית | נאות באתר יזכור של צה"ל |
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This work by Gershom Gorenberg and Haim Watzman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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- American Prospect: Foiled State
- New York Review of Books: The War to Begin All Wars
- NY Times: How Do You Prove You’re a Jew?
- The Minister for National Fears
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