SoJo On The Road

Haim Watzman

Break free of your computer monitor and get some SoJo in person! Gershom and I will both be making trips to the U.S. in the coming months. It’s an opportunity to ask your synagogue, JCC, college, army unit, or think tank to have us over to give you our take on current events in Israel, talk about our books, or regale you with stories funny and poignant.

Gershom’s new book, The Unmaking of Israel, is coming out in November and Gershom will be touring the U.S. in that month to promote it. Contact him at [email protected] to find out how you can include your location in his trip.

I am going to be in Atlanta, Denver, and New York in September for a short business and family trip. But if you’re quick to the bat you can invite me over, in these cities, or others. If that’s too soon, I’ll be back in January-February 2012 and in August 2012 as well. See my Speaking and Performances page for some ideas of programs, or suggest your own topics. And see my story The Oration Vocation for a better idea of what you might expect 🙂